When one is on the Tamang Heritage Trail, Tamang villages are obviously the yolks of the journey. But to depart onto lesser known

Lapton is 23 years old, running Community Lodge and a commuter to Kathmandu. His younger brother, 18, married with children of 5 and

 On a distance, I catch up with four children, carrying loads of dry twigs and green leaves for firewood and cattle feeding. We

In a world where culture, language, religion, identities are bland with globalization, Tamangs have preserved their unique culture and identity over hundreds of

 From Syabrubesi, the trail is a narrow sketchy climb that angles steeply uphill. I exhale a deep breath looking at the straight up

Not so far away from Kathmandu, on an aerial distance of merely 30 km to the north, lies a series of valleys that